My services

Business Coaching

Working one to one, our collaboration will focus on your goals, current performance, and ambitions.

Personal Coaching

Fully embracing life with all its highs and lows can sometimes be difficult. The world we live in sometimes changes faster than our capacity to deal with it.

Chemistry Session

The professional relationship we establish is vital to our success together. That’s why the initial 45 minute chemistry session is so important.

Business Coaching

Working one to one, our collaboration will focus on your goals, current performance, and ambitions.

Often used by leaders, managers or business owners facing a particular challenge(s), moving into a new role or wanting to drive change in their organisation, a typical assignment is for six 1 hour sessions. Ongoing consultation can also be helpful and I’m equally happy to work on a flexible, retained basis.

Dedicated time and space, free from the immediate pressures and politics of the organisation, offers real benefits:

  • Broader perspective and context
  • Increased options with more creative thinking
  • Rounded, improved decision-making
  • Clarity on what will make a difference
  • Renewed energy, motivation and resilience
  • Increased confidence and self-belief
  • Heightened capacity for leadership, team motivation and effective communication

Sessions can be arranged following an initial 45 minute chemistry session that is provided free of charge. Click below to make an appointment or contact me for more information.

Personal Coaching

Fully embracing life with all its highs and lows can be difficult occasionally. The world we live in sometimes changes faster than our capacity to deal with it.

Our own lives often change dramatically too. Life-changing events such as illness, redundancy, retirement, menopause, bereavement, divorce, or our children leaving the nest sometimes call into question whom we are now, how we define “success” and how we want to live our future lives.

Others contemplating a change of role, career or organisation may benefit from support in helping them realise their professional ambitions.

Whatever your motivation or circumstances, one to one personal coaching offers real benefits:

  • A safe, supportive space to explore your challenges and ambitions
  • Clarity on the next steps toward your goals
  • Increased resilience, self-confidence and motivation
  • A wider perspective
  • Heightened life and job satisfaction

Every coaching relationship is as unique as the individual so I’m equally flexible about how you’d like to work together. We can agree a fixed number of sessions and times or work on a retained hours basis that you can use as you need.

The strength of the professional relationship we forge together is vital so sessions can only be arranged following an initial 45 minute chemistry session that is provided free of charge. Click below to make an appointment or contact me for more information.

Chemistry session

Coaching is an investment in yourself. It may be one of the most rewarding you ever make and deserves wholehearted time, energy and commitment from both of us.

Whatever the topic or motivation, the professional relationship we establish is vital. That’s why the initial 45 minute chemistry session is so important. In this time, provided free of charge, we will explore:

  • Your goals, ambitions and challenges
  • Your motivations and frustrations
  • What you are looking for in a coach
  • How we both “tick” and how we will work together effectively
  • How you like to learn
  • The boundaries between coaching & psychotherapy
  • Ethical practice and confidentiality

This open, relaxed time together will establish the foundation on which we will build to deliver the best possible outcomes for you.

To arrange a meeting click below or contact me for more information.

Get in touch

If you’re ready to book your first session or are curious to find out more, contact me below.

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